Monday, November 21, 2011

9 Weeks and Counting

When people told me how tired I'd be in the first trimester, I don't think I really beleived them. I do now! Luckily things should turn around here in a few weeks. I am looking forward to that second wind :)

Although it is much to early to be showing, I have noticed some changes in my body. If you look at my weekly pictures you might be able to tell that I've gotten, well, a little "thicker" around the middle. I'm trying to embrace this as a beautiful sign that a baby is coming...but I'm finding it a little difficult. I can empathize with all my friends who told me they just felt overweight for the first part of their pregnancies, because that's definitely how I feel! Oh, the sacrifices our bodies make for these little munchkins.

Luckily this semester of school is coming to an end, and I'll be able to enjoy a few weeks of school-free time with my family. I can't wait for the holidays this year! I'm feeling the urge to decorate, or just get those creative juices flowing in some way. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them. Preferably things that our cat can't destroy... tall order, I know.

During the first few weeks of my pregnancy I had many people notice that certain "glow" around me. I'm not sure what happened to that! Between bloating, acne, feeling emotional, and feeling tired all of the time, I am definitely don't feel that glow anymore. I'm hoping that things will lighten up in my second trimester, making it easier to be happy and connected with this baby-on-the-way. I sure hope that I'm not the only mommy-to-be that has felt this way.

Any tips, encouragement, or advice that you sweet ladies have to offer, I'd love to hear it. Todd and I are still so happy and excited to welcome little Baby Parris into our lives. We're just learning how to adjust to the many changes that come with that little bundle of joy :)

My next appointment is 12/1/11. I'll be sure to post my new ultrasound! We should be seeing fingers and toes by then. Can't wait!

To all of our friends and family, thank you for your love and support. We couldn't do it without you. We love you!

Todd, Jewely, and Baby Parris