Saturday, September 29, 2012

3 Months already? No way...

I know I say this in every post, but time is flying! I can't beleive our little girl is 3 months old already.
Trying on headbands :)

Here's some of the things that she's doing now:

- Smiling like crazy! It's really easy to coax a grin out of her now.
- Laughing! Although they're still little just chuckles, they are so fun!
- Holding her head up. She gets the bobble-head once in a while, but she can almost hold her head steady.
- Still waking up once a night. We're getting her on a nice routine of bed at 10pm, eating at 2am and waking at 6am. Some days she can go back to sleep until 9am. But I can't wait until she drops that night meal!
- Eating every 2.5-3 hours. I don't like to stretch it farther than that or she's up more in the night.
- Size 2 diapers! Luckily we hadn't bought any more 1's, so we were able to use up what we had and switch her to the next size. This girl is groooowing!
- In size 3-6 month clothes. Although even some of those are snug...especially if they have to fit around her chunky thighs :)
- Still trying to roll over. She's not to interested in rolling from back to tummy, but will try to roll over when down for tummy time.
- Sleeping un-swaddled! (Most of the time). This is HUGE. She has never been able to sleep with her arms out because she's just wake herself up. Todd asked last week if she was ready to switch, and I thought it was worth a shot. We've had to help her learn how to sleep unswaddled, but she is doing much better. It also means that she doesn't use her binky much anymore because she pulls it out of her mouth when her arms are free.
- Is OK in her carseat. She'll still fuss, but overall she tollerates being in the car. For those of you who have driven with us while she was screaming... you know why that's an improvement :)
- Still sleeping in our bedroom. I really enjoyed having her in our room, but it's getting to a point where Todd's not sleeping very well. We're just saving up to buy a crib so she can be in her own room now. I think I'm finally ready for the change, but it's going to be a hard adjustment.
- Grabbing things. She has been able to grab things for a couple of weeks, but is starting to develop some hand-eye coordination and tries to grab things she's looking at. SO fun to watch.

We had her 3 month pictures taken yesterday. I'll post them as soon as we get them back! Can't wait for you all to see this chunky little girl :)  You can see a sneak previews HERE.