Wednesday, August 1, 2012

4 Weeks Old

Our Miss Lily is already 4 weeks old. Amazing! She is doing great, and growing like crazy.
Teddy doesn't stand a chance! She's passing him up with lightning speed.
Pretty adorable...if I do say so myself!

Todd and I have said that Lily could go from 0-60 in less than 2 seconds. She is very assertive little girl, not afraid to communicate what she needs and wants! When I began to see her dynamic personality, I didn't think I'd be able to understand her or relate to her. But I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it. She is so fun, and SO strong. We are just loving every day with her.

We've already gotten a couple of grins out of her! She's starting to smile a little bit every day. She is also trying to roll over. Her sleeping patterns are getting better and better. She will normally go to sleep at about 9, and sleep in 4-hour blocks. She got up to a 6-hour block last week! We still have rough nights here and there, but are plugging along.

We can't wait for Lily's baby blessing this Sunday! I think it will be a beautiful experience, and we're excited to see our family and friends.