Monday, November 5, 2012

4 Months Old!

I say this every time, but time flies! I can't believe our little baby is already 4 months old. I also can't believe it's been a month since I posted last... whoops. Well here's some pictures and an update!
I think Todd wished this girl loved to cuddle more... unfortunately she likes to move WAY too much to settle down and cuddle for more than a few minutes.


4 months old!

Miss bright eyes :)

Here's the update for the month:
- She is 25.5" long (90th percentile, size of a 6 month old!) and is 14lbs 15oz (80th percentile, size of a 5 month old). We've got a tall girl!
- Lily is still not rolling over, but can sure get up on her side easily! She just needs to learn how to kick over.
- She found her feet :) She can grab and play with them now.
- She got up to sleeping 7 hours a night...then everything went kaputz. It started out with a cold; she was sick for about a week before the cold really blossomed. Even after those symptoms went away she was still cranky and not sleeping. It got worse and worse until we were only getting about 3-4 hours of sleep each night. Let me just say, I was on the verge of a meltdown. We finally figured out that she is...
- Sensitive to dairy! Like mother like daughter. I went off of dairy on Friday, and we're already seeing improvement. She slept better the last two nights, and we're hoping she will continue improving.
- Started on solids. Rather than starting her on rice cereal which can be hard to digest, I'm giving her a little bit of soft-boiled egg. Babies don't have enough of the digestive enzyme Amylase to digest grains, so the rice cereal ends up sitting and rotting in the baby's intestines! This leads to allergies, eczema, you name it. So we're trying the egg instead to see how she does. So far so good! She still nurses full time, and just has some egg on top of that once a day.
- She NEVER stops moving and/or talking :) This little girl is quite active and loves to move. Once she starts crawling we're never going to have a moment's peace. But it will be so fun!
- She loooves her bath time. When she's starting to get cranky but it's not quite naptime, we just put her in the tub and let her play. I think she's going to be a swimmer, she loves the water. Can't wait for next summer to take her swimming!

Well that's all the updates I can think of at the moment. We've been on an adventure of discovery and healing with Lily, and I'd love to share our journey with you as soon as I get the gumption to type it :)