Monday, December 10, 2012

5 Months Old!

Our little girl is already 5 months old! We've had quite the adventures this last month, but have had a lot of fun.

Getting taller every day!

Still has that double chin... :)

She makes us laugh all the time!

LOVES her feet!

And loves licking EVERYTHING within reach!
So, here are some of the things that have happened this month:
  • Started rolling over. She finally really got the hang of it last night and can roll over both ways without too much difficulty. It cracks us up - and she officially never stops moving now.
  • She slept though the night for two nights...then it stopped. Her sleep schedule is pretty out of whack from being sick all week, so hopefully when she's all better she'll sleep better too.
  • Really has the hang of those hands. She can grab just about everything in reach. We nearly had a disaster in church yesterday with the sacrament tray... time to be more aware of what's in her reach!
  • Tried a couple new solid foods (attempting to fill her tummy more so she sleeps better). Liked yams but they gave her a rash around her mouth. Tolerated sweet potatoes but she started getting sick so we just went back to breastmilk. We tried some rice cereal in a bottle at night and that just seemed to wake her up more! Her favorite thing is still egg yolk, but she doesn't seem to like it as much hard-boiled. But obviously she's chunky enough without real food, so we'll probably just stick with nursing again for a while longer.
  • We thought she might be teething, but can't see any signs of a tooth. My sister thought she felt one, but we can't. (We also don't have any experience in this who knows!). She's been cranky off and on for the last couple of months, seems to be chewing on things more, and has had a lot of congestion. She also has been grinding her gums. So I guess we'll find out soon if she's cutting a tooth!
  • Her "stranger danger" is starting to fade a little. She's letting more people hold her without crying now.
We sure love this little girl! It's been pretty tough here an there, but we are so happy to be her parents. It's so exciting to watch her grow and develop, and realize more and more what an amazing and powerful person she is!

1 comment:

  1. She is seriously so beautiful! I love reading your updates about her :)
