Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Life is like a garden...

I never understood what people meant when the said "life is like a garden" until I spent some time in one myself. I've been cleaning out my Dad's flowerbeds (slowly, but surely) and have had some interesting insights on my own life through it. Let me share a couple of them with you!

~ Sometimes you have to sacrifice good things to make room for better things. I noticed some plants growing that looked like tulips. I tried weeding around them, and when I accidently dug one up I made an amazing discovery. They weren't tulips...they were ONIONS! There were hundreds of little onion sprouts growing, disguised as something a little more lovely. Once I get the onions all removed, it will make room for some truly beautiful plants. Life lesson: Sometimes things we think are ok are really holding us back. Getting rid of those will help us make room for our more beautiful qualities!

~ Along with onions, we also have ivy growing every which way. Ivy is extremely beautiful when it is controlled, and completely overwhelming when not. Remind you of anything? Too much of anything can be damaging. Not only does the ivy look unkempt, but it has begun to choke out some of the other plants and flowers int he bed.
Life lesson: Maybe it's better to clean out things that are taking over our life to see other things that need some attention.

More insights later....as they come up :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Spring!! Or not....

Mother Nature has played a trick on us yet again. She let us believe that we were finally goign to get some warm weather, then BAM, she dumps rain (and possibly snow) on us. But at least we got in some good fun on those sun-shiney days. Take a look!
I bought Todd a Ruger SR9c for his birthday (lucky boy) and we thought we'd try it out. We went with my Dad, Matt, Krysta, Paityn, and Meg up Bountiful Canyon on Saturday. Between us all we had 3 hand guns and 1 shotgun. Todd and I did well with out new gun, as you can see below...
See that forehead shot? Yes...that was all mine, thank you very much. Matt talked me into printing off this target, and my Dad made a bet to see who could take the first head-shot. Aweful, I know. Sorry all!

After shooting the handguns for a while we decided to try out some skeet shooting. For anyone who doesn't know, you fling a clay disk in the air and shoot it with a shotgun. Simple as that...or is it? It took us some time, but I think we got the hang of it. Todd and I both maxed out at 3 out of 5, not to bad for our first day! But I think it's safe to say that we've all found a delightfully fun new hobby!

Me shooting my Dad's shotgun

Todd shooting our Ruger SR9c

 Overall, it was an excellent day :)