I never understood why moms would do "bulk" blog posts (posting 4 or 5 at a time, waiting a month, then doing it again). Well, I understand now. With how busy I have been with school, I completely forgot to do Lily's 7 month update. I figured I better do a combined 7 and 8 month update now before I forget to again :) So I apologize in advance, because I think I may be turning into a bulk blogger myself...
7 Months
7 months old - wouldn't smile for the camera...
Doesn't get much cuter than this.
My little girl loves her soft. (aka- piece of soft material made especially for cuddling)
Our wonderful Moby Wrap - Lily's favorite mode of transporation.
Just chillin'.
8 Months
Lily has had some fun milestones this month!
- She waved for the first time. First at our family pictures, then at Todd. He was thrilled!
- She rolled herself into a sitting position. We still can't figure out how she did it, and I guess she can't either because it only happened the one time.
- She started the pre-crawl rock. She is great at getting on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth, and even gets up on her toes now.
- She's such a good eater! She's still nursing 4 times a day, and eats anywhere from 1 - 1.5 cups of food each day. I don't know how I'm going to keep up with this girl... lol.
- She's getting the hang of finger foods now. She had her first arrowroot cookie today and LOVED it.
- Still no teeth... *sigh*. We're hoping they'll pop up soon, but who knows. Poor thing has been actively teething for over 2 months now.
- She is SO tall. She fits into most 12 month clothes length wise, but they're to big around her little tummy and bum. I'm afraid she has been cursed with my "no bum syndrome" ... Sorry Lily!
- Slept AMAZING for the first half of the month. She would go to sleep on time and sleep 11 - 12 hours. She's back to waking up once or twice a night, but it's still better than it was a couple of months ago.
- Her personality exploded this month. I can't believe it, she's becoming a child! Where did my tiny baby go? She plays and interracts with us all the time, and is so happy and FUN.
- She's becoming a very direct communicator. You KNOW when she wants or needs something! I keep reminding myself that when she starts throwing a mini-fit that she is simply communicating. I try to take a step back, figure out what she needs, and get it taken care of. I don't always remember to do that (sometimes it's easier to just say she's cranky) but I'm practicing!
- Miss Lily LOOOOVES bath time. As soon as she hears the water running she gets super excited.
8 months old
Bathtime fun!
So happy when she wakes up.
Cheeky little grin.
Her facial expressions crack me up.
Trying to crawl! And yes, I was letting her play with the dog toys... :/
PHEW - you made it to the end. Hope you enjoyed it :)