Well, for those of you anxiously awaiting the arrival of Lily Fay, she is officially late! We never thought we'd make it to our due date, and here we are breezing right through it. That's what we get for having expectations, right?
The thing Todd and I have learned most the last few weeks is just how little control we have over certain situations. We've had to accept that our little girl must not be quite ready to greet the world, and that between her and my body, they know what they're doing. I will admit that I have a hard time accepting that some days, but am working on my patience and trying to connect with the power that my body and my baby inherently have to birth naturally.
Fortunately, everything is still looking great on our ultrasounds. She is very healthy, with a strong heartbeat, surrounded by plenty of fluid, and in the proper position for birth. Our doctor is comfortable with letting us wait a little longer to let her come natrually, without being induced. We have a 41 week appointment scheduled for July 3, and hope that she comes before them or we may need to start considering an induction date.
I am also doing very well, despite some discomforts some days. It is a bit difficult to stay up-beat when I wake up so stiff I can hardly roll over! But I know how fortunate I've been to only have these pains and discomforts this late in my pregnancy, when SO many women experience them for much longer than I have. Lily has been very kind to me and my body this pregnancy, which I appreciate so very much!
The funnest changes I've noticed over the last few weeks are as follows:
- Not being able to see my feet. A straight-down view is SO overrated...right?
- Struggling to be able to TOUCH my feet. This makes making my toes look pretty a little tricky...
- Stretch marks. I made it SO close to not having any stretch marks! They're so small that I really shouldn't complain...but I am... lol.
- A bladder the size of a golf ball. This one is fairly self-explanatory, I think!
- Going to the doctor every week. It's beginning to feel like we live there.
- Realizing that a Due Date is actually a Guess Date. Doctors don't really know when these babies are gonna come!
OK, my pity party is over :) Here's a picture of me on my due date!
Todd and I went to dinner wtih some friends tonight to "celebrate" and distract ourselves. We had a blast! I highly recommend Settebello's Pizzeria in downtown SLC.
Well all - wish us luck! Every day is an adventure, wonding if "today is the day." One of these days, it actually will be! We'll be texing family and friends when she's born, and will post pictures as soon as we're up to it. Can't wait to introduce you all to our sweet girl! We're even more excited to meet her ourselves :)