Week 20 - Half way!
Week 21
Week 22 Ultrasound - Head on the left facing up
Week 22 - 5 Months!
We saw another 3D view of her this appointment. It's strange how "skin and bones" they are at this stage. Absolutely no body fat, so they almost look like a skeleton. That will have changed by week 26 though. She is already kicking so much, way more than I expected. It's been really fun to get to know her movements, even though they're a little uncomfortable at times :) I started having Braxton-Hicks contractions about 3 weeks ago. My doctor isn't concerned, as long as I don't have more than 6 per hour. They're not too uncomfortable, just a very new sensation.
My sister, Tiff, gave me a book called HypnoBirthing. It is AMAZING. I've only read the first few pages and I already love it. Todd and I are looking into HypnoBirthing classes. I've come to realize that if I want to deliver Miss Lily naturally, I'm going to need education. If I go into it blindly I won't succeed. So we're going to start educating ourselves on different methods and techniques to prepare for the big day! Todd has agreed to be my coach :) We recognize that we will have to prepare together and go into labor with a clear understanding of what his roles are to minimize stress and confusion.
We have our targeted ultrasound in 2 weeks, then our 28 week appointment 4 weeks after that. I can't believe I'm that close to being in my Third Trimester. I'm starting to feel the time crunch a little bit. There is so much to do! We need to select gifts for our registries, get our apartment for baby, sign up and take our child birthing classes, let alone finish up this semester! It's definitely time for me to put a "schedule" together to keep track of all of these things to make sure they get done in time.
I had to leave one of my classes for an hour to go to my last appointment. I e-mailed my professor about it ahead of time, to which he replied that he had absolutely NO idea that I was pregnant. When I got up and walked out of class on Thursday night he told the rest of my class where I was going. Except for the couple of ladies I had told, none of the other 20 people had any idea I was pregnant either! I definitely expected to be showing more by this point, so NOT showing feels almost foreign. I just need to be grateful for it and not complain :) At least my family and close friends can tell I'm pregnant now (I think). I keep forgetting that I'm so tall, and that Lily simply has a lot of room to grow before it really has any effect on my body.
Todd and I are doing wonderfully. We're feeling a little overwhelmed at times, but we've never been happier. We're enjoying this time together, and anxiously awaiting the day we get to meet our little girl. Thank you all for your continued love and support! You've made this journey even more exciting for us :)