Please excuse my puffy eye... Pink eye got the better of me!
Baby Lily seems to have stopped migrating upward, and has retreated back toward my spine a little. It will be interesting to see where she ends up!
On an exciting note, SHE'S KICKING! Yes, I officially felt a real kick this last Sunday! I had felt her moving around before then, but nothing so defined. Now it happens once or twice a day, and is so fun to feel. She must have hit a dandy growth spurt because my poor uterus is just too small for her now. I've spent the last few days stretching, and not enjoying it one bit. Oh the joys of a growing baby in the tummy! I've been sick almost non-stop for the last two months, bouncing back and forth between colds, sinus infections, bronchitis, and asthma. I can't wait to be out of cold n' flu season!
Last week I had the pleasure of throwing a little baby shower for my friend and neighbor, Natalie Tams. We had 5 girls show up, and had a blast! She got the cutest little home-made onsies that were super creative, along wtih some fun bath supplied. Their little boy is going to be super spoiled by the time she's done with her other showers. It's fantastic!
Look at that cute tummy. You'd never guess she's in her 3rd Trimester!
Christina Taylor helped me make these cupcake toppers. Lifesaver and jelly bean pacifiers :)
Yay for Zurchers baby shower decorations!
We had our 18 week appointment on Wednesday and got some fun new ultrasounds. She was just sleeping upside down the whole time. The doctor had to poke her around a little bit to get a good view, but she is OFFICIALLY a girl.
Can you see her?? You can just see her face and hand. So exciting!
Chillin' upside down. Good view of her heart!
Still chillin' upside down, and you can really see her spine.
After seeing that 3D Ultrasound, I can hardly wait to see her sweet little face in person. 21 more weeks to go. I'm almost half way there! Thank you all for your continued love and support. It means the world to us.