Our most recent 3D shot. You can see her right eye, nose and cute lips. I think she's going to have Todd's lips!
Look at that foot!
All 5 fingers accounted for. Can't wait to hold those little hands!
Her beautiful profile. You can see her little nose and lips again.
Starting to feel a little bit big and uncomfortable, but trying to enjoy it!
The ultrasound tech said that everything is looking good and that Miss Lily is nice and healthy. We got a great look at her heart, spine and brain. She was not extremely cooperative though. She was cuddled into me the whole time, so we barely got a view of her face. She was moving around quite a bit, but always nuzzled up right against me. It seems like we may have a cuddler on our hands.
She's enjoying her new found space in my torso now. One end will be pushing around in my rib cage while the other end is kicking around in my pelvis. She has officially found her "happy place" in the right side of my rib cage, making things slighly uncomfortable at times. But it's so fun to feel her moving! She's not kicking hard enough for Todd to feel yet, but that will happen soon I hope.
Although emotions are high at times, Todd and I are happy and doing well. Getting more and more excited for Lily to come. We're using our upcoming Spring Break to organize and deep clean our apartment and to go on our BabyMoon. We're going to get ready for all of the new baby things we'll be getting over the next few months, and will be taking a much needed vacation to rest up before long nights with baby. We're going to stay in Salt Lake and endulge in a prenatal massage, dinner out, and whatever fun activities we can think of. Can't wait!