I've been thinking about my Grandparents more over the last few days as I listened to my Dad and Uncles discuss how to divide their estate. My Grandpa died on February 13, 2011 at age 92, and my Grandma died on March 31, 2011, soon before her 93rd birthday. I am so happy and grateful they were only separated by a short 6 weeks, and can now be together again for eternity.
My Grandparents were very amazing people, as were the families that they came from. I love learning more about the heritage they have left us, and find new things all the time! One of Todd's friends served his mission in Arizona, on the Pima Reservation. I found out that he has heard of my Great-Grandfather, Philemon Christopher Merrill, and even saw the memorial dedicated to him in Yuma, AZ. It was wonderful to talk about the State my Grandparents lived in and loved. I feel a close connection to Arizona and would like to live there someday to feel that heritage more closely.
My Grandfather was a mountain of a man at 6'5", being one of the taller individuals in his area. He was a born entrepreneur and provider for his family. On top of that he had a genius IQ and started college at age 13. He played basketball for Arizona State University and graduated in Accounting. He has been a business man all his life and was running his own company up to 2 weeks before he passed away.
My Grandmother can be described in one word: angel. She raised her 3 sons with patience and love. My Dad can't remember a single time that she raised her voice at them. She was patient with my Grandpa and supported him through his endeavors. She was diagnosed with Dementia about 12 years ago. Her memory slowly degraded and her awareness faded. Even through her condition she maintained her beautiful disposition and never stopped loving her family.
I miss them very much, but am so happy that I can see them again someday. I can't wait for that time!