This second ultrasound was SO fun. Baby is almost 1.5" long, with a strong heartbeat. I didn't notice until we got home and watched the ultrasound DVD again, but baby was actually moving a little! We could see the little arms and head move. It didn't last long, but was pretty amazing to think that that little one is currently a resident inside of me. I may just be imagining it, but when I'm in bed at night and hold really still, I can feel tiny little flutters. Is that even possible this early? I have to really focus to feel them, but I think it's little baby starting to move around. :)
(Head on left, baby is facing up. 10 Weeks 4 Days, 3.69cm long)
It's been so funny to hear everyones guesses about our baby's gender. For the first 8-9 weeks, nearly everyone thought we were having a boy. Now it seems like most people think it will be a girl! They've got me all sorts of confused :) Some moms just seem to know what their baby's gender is, and I'm not sure if I'll be one of those. But who knows! When I was writing in my pregnancy journal the other night I had a feeling it would be a boy, but now I'm not so sure. Either way, we will be so excited!
We've chosen two names (the boy name hasn't quite clicked for me, so I need to give it more time):
For a girl - Lily Fay Parris
For a boy- Jack Hyrum Parris
I've had the name Lily Fay picked out since I was was about 15, so I was thrilled when it fit well with the last name of Parris! And Todd and I picked out Jack Hyrum back in January before we even got pregnant. We loved the name Jack, and found a middle name that we liked with it.
I will admit... while typing this blog entry, it has taken my compete attention to NOT say "he!" It has felt very natural to call our little one a little boy. I think that's the biggest reason I've thought it would be a boy. But at the same time, I've had the thought in the back of my mind that this baby is pulling a fast one on us, and will in fact be a girl. Silly? Yes, it is! But so what? I've decided to have fun with it :)
I have had some requests for a belly-photo update. Here you go! Me today, 10 Weeks 4 Days.
Not a great photo, but you get the idea :) My mom felt my tummy a few nights ago and commented on how she could feel the difference. Then, the next day, my coworker said I was starting to show. Later as we were decorating the Christmas tree, Todd said he could really notice it now too. It feels like it just happened over night! I went from just feeling like I'd gained some extra pounds to a baby bump over just a day or two. Really exciting though!
Last but not least.... our Christmas tree is up!! Well... it's put together with the lights and a ribbon, but we're getting there :) It's our first Christmas tree together, and we're so excited about it. We're going to go pick out ornaments tomorrow, and get special ones for me, Todd, and Baby. We figured we'd start the annual tradition now!
White tear-drop light with purple ribbon
Close up :)
We are goint to hang silver and purple ornaments tomorrow. Can't wait! I'll post more pictures when it's all done.
You are truly adorable.