Friday, September 14, 2012

10 weeks just might be the magic number!

What's so special about 10 weeks old? Well, Lily suddenly decided that she was ready to sleep better! Or, should I say, she's finally learning how to self-soothe without going into absolute hysterics. We're able to put her in bed (for naps or bedtime) and just let her cry for a few minutes at a time, plug her binky back in, and repeat until she falls asleep. The last few days she has taken less and less time to fall asleep, and even does it without her binky once in a while! She still wakes up in the middle of most of her naps, but will usually fall back asleep after crying for a few minutes. Might not seem like a big deal, but it feels like a huge accomplishment to us :)   BUT... I don't want to jinx ourselves, and are prepared for some rough nights and naps here and there, just in case. lol.

10 weeks. Legs are getting chunky!

Trying some tummy-time. It didn't last very long, lol

More tummy-time. She decided licking her blanket was more fun!

She's sure starting to grab things! Poor teddy got his ears
We decided that it was best if neither of us were in school this semester. So, that means we actually get to see Todd int he evenings! It's been wonderful. Especially since we just got called to be the new Cub Scouts Wolf den leaders! So, we'll be chasing 9 year old boys around our house once a week, plus other activities and camps. But we're really excited. It's going to be an adventure wrangling those boys plus taking care of a 3 month old...but we'll figure it out I'm sure.

We're excited to do Lily's 3 Month pictures with Amanda Gibbs in two weeks. I'm thinking of doing a Autumn theme, and would love to get some pretty fall leaves pictures! So, if anyone has ideas for good locations in Davis/Weber county (preferably close to Layton), I'd love to hear them!

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